Export Asana data just the way you want with Bridge24

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Most people can get all the information they need to do their work directly within Asana, but from our consulting experience we’ve noticed that there is often a need to report to people who aren’t using Asana. This might be an executive team, another department, or an offsite meeting where paper handouts are helpful.

Asana’s reporting and exporting features are unfortunately very basic.

  1. You can export data into a CSV file by project, but it’s formatted poorly and the tasks (and subtasks) don’t appear in any discernible order. Or…
  2. You can print a list view or save it as a PDF, but it’s not customizable at all so you’re forced to print subtasks and task descriptions that you’d rather not.

Despite continuous grumbling in the Asana community, improving Asana’s exporting capabilities does not seem to be a priority for Asana, Inc. But one product that is targeting this issue is Bridge24.

Bridge24 provides enhanced reporting and exporting capabilities for Asana, as well as a few other tools like Trello and Basecamp. It provides a separate interface that—while not as pretty as Asana—allows more functionality around building custom filters for sorting, viewing, and combining your projects in specific ways.

Some of the specific features we thought were noteworthy include:

  • View list projects as boards in Bridge24. Asana does not allow you to switch between a board and list view, but Bridge24 turns section headings into columns.
  • Export into CSV or Excel files. Asana allows you export projects to CSV but it’s a bit of jumbled mess. Bridge24 does a better job allowing you to pick what data you want to export from tasks (i.e. which custom fields) in a simple, drag-and-drop type interface. You can also combine multiple project datasets.
  • Visualize Asana data in interactive charts. Everybody loves colorful charts, right? ?
  • Automatic report generation. Although the reporting is limited to a few predefined reports right now, they plan to add the ability to customize reports soon.
Bridge24 Charts
Visualize your Asana data in charts, such as breaking down assignee or tasks completed by week. Source: Bridge24.com.
Bridge24 Filters
Search and sort tasks across multiple projects easier with Bridge24. Source: Bridge24.com.
Bridge24 Reports
Print reports based on filtered tasks. Source: Bridge24.com.

Bridge24 offers a free trial that never expires. According to their website, the free trial is limited in certain ways including 50 tasks per export, limited data history, inability to use custom fields, and only 3 custom filters can be saved. But hey, it’s free so try it out. Bridge24 costs around $5 – 8 per month when purchased annually.

Need help creating reports from Asana? We’re here to help. There are several 3rd-party tools that can help build reports in Asana. We can suggest the best tool for the job and help you make it happen.

What do you think of Bridge24? Is there anything else you wish it could do?

Bridge24 by Websystems, Inc. | Free Bridge24 Trial

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