Asana has recently started communicating with customers that after April 1, Microsoft's Internet Explorer will no longer be able to access Asana. Other browsers that Asana does not support [...]
One of the best ways to speed up your workflows in Asana is to learn some of the many built-in keyboard shortcuts. Some of my favorite Asana keyboard shortcuts [...]
Email is a stalwart of the office, and it's not going away any time soon. For organizations using Microsoft Office 365®, you can install a free app called Asana for Outlook to turn emails into [...]
Asana lets you email tasks and conversations into Asana using unique email addresses located in your Asana account. However, accessing those email addresses on a case-by-case basis is too slow [...]
There’s a lot of demands at college…classes, reports, club meetings, sports—and a social life is nice, too. It can be difficult keeping up with everything without letting a few proverbial [...]
The due date is one of the indispensable parts of creating and assigning a great task. However, after consulting dozens of organizations from Fortune 500 companies to small nonprofits, I find [...]